CREST hosted a virtual seminar titled ‘Everything the Atmosphere Touches: Student Opportunities at National Science Foundation/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/University Cooperative Centers (NSF NCAR/UCAR/UCP)’ on December 8, 2023. CREST/CCNY students, affiliates, faculty, and management enthusiastically participated in the seminar. 

Speakers from NSF NCAR/UCAR included Dr. Valerie Sloan, Director, GEONETWORK and Senior Higher Education Specialist; Dr. Jerry Cyccone, Scientists and Student Coordinator; Dr. Curtis Walker, Project Scientist. They helped attendees gain insights into the research in Earth System Sciences and Atmospheric Sciences that the NSF NCAR/UCAR conducts. Further, they  expanded on the 2024 paid undergraduate and graduate student opportunities that are available at these agencies in Boulder, Colorado and offered useful tips on expanding one’s research and technical skills as well as professional network.